1. Introduction

Welcome to our User Guide and thank you for using CakeCollate! Are you a home baker searching for a reliable tool to keep track of your orders? CakeCollate promises to be an efficient desktop application that allows you to easily consolidate and manage your orders. CakeCollate allows you to:

  1. Manage your orders including adding, editing and deleting orders
  2. Add cakes that you sell regularly to a predefined list
  3. Quickly select from a predefined list of cakes when adding new orders
  4. Quickly search through your existing orders
  5. Receive reminders for undelivered orders with delivery dates approaching soon
  6. Check the delivery status of your orders

It is optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you’re a small-time cake seller that can type fast, CakeCollate can get your order management tasks done faster than traditional GUI applications.

Let us take you through how to use CakeCollate.

2. Using the User Guide

In this section, you can learn more about the different terminologies and what to expect from each section of the User Guide. This allows you to better comprehend the terms that are used and quickly navigate to sections where the answers to your questions may lie.

2.1 What’s in the User Guide

In Section 2.2: Reading the User Guide, you can find essential information that enables you to read the User Guide seamlessly.

In Section 3: Getting started, you can find instructions on how to install and set up CakeCollate.

In Section 4: Commands and features, you can find instructions on the existing features and commands in CakeCollate as well as how you can use them to suit your needs.

In Section 5: Glossary, you can find some terms that have been frequently used in our User Guide and their definitions.

In Section 6: FAQ, you can find answers to frequently asked questions.

In Section 7: Command Summary, you can find a summary of all the available commands.

2.2 Reading the User Guide

In this section, you will learn about CakeCollate’s User Interface (UI), the format of commands, and the types of user inputs that you can specify in commands.

2.2.1 Sections of the UI

User Interface

  1. The User Input Box is where you can type in commands. Commands are what help you interact with CakeCollate. For example, you can use commands to tell CakeCollate to add a particular order, or display specific orders.

  2. The Result Box is where response messages from CakeCollate are displayed. If your commands are valid and processed successfully by CakeCollate, a response message indicating success will be displayed. If your commands are invalid or processed unsuccessfully, then an error response message will be displayed.

  3. The Orders Box is where all the orders that you have added to CakeCollate are displayed.

    :information_source: In what order are orders displayed in CakeCollate?

    • CakeCollates always displays orders by their statuses - first undelivered, then cancelled, and then delivered orders.
    • For orders that have the same statuses, they are then arranged according to delivery date, with the earliest date on the top of the GUI.
  4. The Order Items Box is where all the different type of order items you have predefined are displayed in an order items table. You can think of it as a product catalogue.

2.2.2 Formatting of the commands

:information_source: Interpreting command formats:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are types of user inputs.
    E.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a type of user input which can be used as add n/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional fields that the user can choose to include or not.
    E.g n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/John Doe t/friend or as n/John Doe.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times.
    E.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as ` ` (i.e. 0 times), t/friend, t/friend t/family etc.

  • The different types of user input can be placed in any order.
    E.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • If a particular type of input is expected only once in a command, but has been specified multiple times, only the last occurrence will be taken.
    E.g. if you specify p/12341234 p/56785678, only p/56785678 will be taken.

  • If a user input is specified for a command that does not accept it, (such as help, list, exit and clear) it will be ignored.
    E.g. if you specify help 123, 123 will be ignored and the command will be interpreted as help.

2.2.3 Types of user input

In this section, you will learn about the commonly used user inputs as well as their accompanying prefixes. These will be helpful when you are trying to specify the fields for certain commands.


The address of the customer who has placed the order.
Prefix: a/

  • It can contain all types of characters.
  • It cannot be empty.

The number of days from today’s date.
Prefix: none

  • It can contain integers greater than or equal to 0.
    E.g. 0,365,99

The delivery date for the order.
Prefix: d/

  • It should be a valid calendar date.
  • It should be in one of the following formats:
    • dd/MM/yyyy E.g. 01/01/2021
    • dd-MM-yyyy E.g. 31-01-2021
    • dd.MM.yyyy E.g. 01.12.2021
    • dd MMM yyyy E.g. 31 Dec 2021
      :information_source: Dates and months from 1-9 should be specified as 01-09. E.g. The first of January should be specified as 01/01 instead of 1/1.
      :information_source: MMM specifies the first three characters of the month. The first character should be capitalised.
  • When adding or editing an order, the DELIVERY_DATE should either be today’s date or a date in the future.
    I.e. the date today or a date after today.
  • Orders with a DELIVERY_DATE before today’s date will not be deleted.
    I.e. If you enter an order with a DELIVERY_DATE for tomorrow, the order will not be deleted even if you launch the application again in two days.
    :information_source: You do not have to worry about losing track of overdue orders.

:exclamation: For advanced users: You can set the delivery date of an order that is yet to be delivered to a past date in the storage file, cakecollate.json. The application will not be able to warn you that you have added an invalid delivery date. As such, you are recommended to add/edit a delivery date through the application itself.


Each order is given a particular index so that you can easily refer to an order for certain commands. In particular, the index of an order can be found beside the name of the customer in the orders box.
Prefix: none

  • It can contain positive integers greater than or equal to 1, but should not be greater than the total number of orders in the orders box.
    E.g. 1,20,35

Certain commands (such as delete) allow you to specify multiple index, which allows you to delete multiple orders at one go.

Prefix: none

  • To specify multiple indexes separate them with a space.
    E.g. 1 2 5

The email of the customer who has placed the order.
Prefix: e/

  • Emails should be of the format local-part@domain.
  • local-part can contain alphabetical and numerical characters and also the following special characters: !#$%&'*+/=?`{|}~^.-.
    E.g. alice#3in?wonderland!
  • domain should
    • be at least 2 characters long
    • start and end with alphabetical or numerical characters
    • contain alphabetical or numerical characters, a period . or a hyphen - for the characters in between, if any.
      E.g. sample-domain.com

The name of the customer who has placed the order.
Prefix: n/

  • It can contain alphabets, numbers and spaces.
    E.g. Alex Yeoh, Johnathan9, Charlotte the 5th
  • It cannot be longer than 70 characters.
  • It cannot be empty.

The order description of the order.
Prefix: o/

  • It can contain alphabets and spaces.
  • It cannot be longer than 70 characters.
  • It cannot be empty.
    E.g. Durian Cake, Blackforest Cake

The order item index in the order items table.
Prefix: oi/

  • This refers to indexes of the order items in the order items table located in the order items box.

The phone number of the customer who has placed the order.
Prefix: p/

  • It can contain only numbers.
    E.g. 90126969
  • It should be at least 3 digits long.
  • It cannot be longer than 20 digits.

The special request or notes you can add to an order. What makes it different from tags is that it can contain a large amount of information.
Prefix: r/

  • It can contain all types of characters.
  • It can be empty.
    • An empty request is used to clear/reset the REQUEST field of the order.

:information_source: User input of type REQUEST and its prefix r/ should only be specified in the request and find commands.


The tags you can add to an order. A small piece of information you can add to an order.
Prefix: t/

  • It can contain alphabetical or numerical characters but not spaces.
  • Each tag cannot be longer than 30 characters.
  • There is no specific usage for TAG.
    • Use it as a tag for the customer. E.g. friend, fussy, important
    • Use it as a tag for the order. E.g. urgent, complicated

:exclamation: For advanced users: Only NAME, ADDRESS, ORDER_DESCRIPTION and DELIVERY_DATE are taken into consideration when checking whether two orders are the same.

3. Getting started

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer.

  2. Download the latest cakecollate.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for CakeCollate.

  4. Double-click the file to start CakeCollate. A GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the application contains some sample data. You can use the sample data pre-loaded in the application to play around and get used to the available commands.


  5. Type a command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    E.g. typing help and pressing Enter will display the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • list : Lists all orders in CakeCollate.

    • addn/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01 d/13-05-2021 o/Strawberry Cake : Adds a Strawberry Cake order to CakeCollate.
      :information_source: Please note that d/13-05-2021 may become an invalid date depending on when you view this User Guide. Refer to DELIVERY_DATE to check the constraints.

    • delete3 : Deletes the 3rd order shown in the currently displayed list.

    • remind2 : Lists all undelivered orders that are within 2 days from today’s date.

    • clear : Deletes all orders and order items from CakeCollate.

    • exit : Closes the application.

  6. Refer to the Commands and features section below to know about each command in detail.

4. Commands and features

This section contains information about all existing commands and features that we have implemented. Being well-versed with these commands and features will enable you to use CakeCollate to its fullest potential. This section is categorised into 3 parts: orders, order items and others.

4.1 Orders

This section contains information about the commands that can modify the orders box.

4.1.1 Modifying the data

Adding an order: add

Add an order to CakeCollate. The delivery status of the order will be undelivered by default, but can be modified with the delivered and cancelled commands. The special request of the order will be initialised as none, but can be modified with the request command.

Basic format



  • add n/Betsy Crowe e/betsycrowe@example.com a/Newgate Prison p/1234567 d/13-05-2022 o/Chocolate Cake o/chocolate cake o/Mochi Cake t/friend t/daughter adds an order with all compulsory fields, three order descriptions, and a friend and daughter tag.
  • add n/Betsy Crowe e/betsycrowe@example.com a/Newgate Prison p/1234567 d/13-05-2022 o/Chocolate Cake adds an order with all compulsory fields, one order description and no tags.

:information_source: How do you specify that a cake has been ordered multiple times?

  • If your customer orders 2 chocolate cakes and 1 mochi cake, you can specify the o/ prefix twice, e.g. o/Chocolate Cake o/Chocolate Cake o/Mochi Cake (same as the first example above)
  • The GUI will then display 2 x Chocolate Cake and 1 x Mochi Cake in the newly added order.
    • Note how there is no need for you to type 2 x or 1 x - CakeCollate helps you to count the number of times each order description has been input.

:information_source: Order descriptions are not case-sensitive

  • CakeCollate recognizes that Chocolate cake and chocolatE caKe are the same order description and will treat them like the same Chocolate Cake, so if you add o/Chocolate cake o/chocoLATE CAKE to your order, it will be still displayed as 2 x Chocolate Cake, making your GUI look neat.
Alternative format


  • The difference here compared to the previous format is that you can omit the ORDER_DESCRIPTION input, but you need to include an ORDER_ITEM_INDEXES input.

  • This alternative format is aimed at saving you some typing. If an order description you want to specify already exists in the order items table located in the order items box, you can specify its index instead of typing its entire name out.

  • For example, for an order that involves Chocolate Cake, if Chocolate Cake exists in the order items table located in the order items box as shown, instead of typing o/Chocolate Cake, you can type oi/4.

  • As such, you can interpret the order items table of the GUI as being a shortcut table.


(This is a screenshot extracted from the sample here)

  • add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01 d/13-05-2022 oi/1 4 5 adds an order with all compulsory fields and adds order items 1, 4, 5 of order items table to the order.
  • add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01 d/13-05-2022 o/Strawberry Cake oi/1 adds an order with all compulsory fields, an order description of Strawberry Cake and the first item of the order items table.

:information_source: How are items added to the order items table?

  • When you specify an order description using the prefix o/, E.g. o/Chocolate Cake, CakeCollate automatically adds it into the order items table. As such, you don’t need to go through extra steps to add in items into the order items table manually.

  • If you do want to add items into the order items table, you can refer to the addItem command below.

:information_source: How do you specify that a cake has been ordered multiple times using the oi/ prefix?

  • If Chocolate Cake is at index 4 of the order items table, you can specify oi/4 4.
Adding a special request to an order: request

Add a special request to an existing order in CakeCollate.

Format: request INDEX r/REQUEST

  • Adds a special request to the order at the specified INDEX. Refer to INDEX for more details.
  • Adding new special requests to an order will replace the existing special request the order currently has.
  • You can remove an order’s special request by specifying r/ without any requests after it, or only specifying the index without adding the prefix.
  • By default, no special request will be added to an order when it is first added to CakeCollate.


  • request 1 r/More sugar, spice and everything nice sets the special request of the first order to be More sugar, spice and everything nice.
  • request 1 r/ removes the first order’s special request.
  • request 1 removes the first order’s special request.
Deleting an order: delete

Delete the order(s) with the specified INDEXES. Refer to INDEXES for more details.

Format: delete INDEXES


  • delete 2 delete the order with INDEX 2 from CakeCollate.
  • delete 2 3 delete the orders with INDEXES 2 and 3 from CakeCollate.
Editing an order: edit

Edit an existing order in CakeCollate.


  • Edit the order at the specified INDEX. Refer to INDEX for more details.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the order will be removed.
    I.e. adding of tags is not cumulative.
  • You can remove all of an order’s tags by specifying t/ without any tag after it.


  • edit 1 p/91234567 e/johndoe@example.com edits the phone number and email address of the first order to 91234567 and johndoe@example.com respectively.
  • edit 2 n/Betsy Crower t/ edits the name of the second order to be Betsy Crower and removes all existing tags.
Updating delivery status of an order
Setting the delivery status of an order as undelivered: undelivered

Sets the delivery status of the orders with the specified INDEXES as undelivered. Refer to INDEXES for more details.

Format: undelivered INDEXES


  • undelivered 2 sets the delivery status of the order with INDEX 2 in CakeCollate as undelivered.
  • undelivered 2 3 sets the delivery status of the orders with INDEXES 2 and 3 in CakeCollate as undelivered.
Setting the delivery status of an order as delivered: delivered

Sets the delivery status of the orders with the specified INDEXES as delivered. Refer to INDEXES for more details.

Format: delivered INDEXES


  • delivered 2 sets the delivery status of the order with INDEX 2 in CakeCollate as delivered.
  • delivered 2 3 sets the delivery status of the orders with INDEXES 2 and 3 in CakeCollate as delivered.
Setting the delivery status of an order as cancelled: cancelled

Sets the delivery status of the orders with the specified INDEXES as cancelled. Refer to INDEXES for more details.

Format: cancelled INDEXES


  • cancelled 2 sets the delivery status of the order with INDEX 2 in CakeCollate as cancelled.
  • cancelled 2 3 sets the delivery status of the orders with INDEXES 2 and 3 in CakeCollate as cancelled.

4.1.2 Modifying what is displayed

Locating orders: find

Find orders containing any of the keywords input by the user.


  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • The search is case-insensitive.
    E.g. hans will match Hans.
  • The order of the keywords does not matter.
    E.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans.
  • Sub-strings will be matched.
    E.g. Han will match Hans.
  • Orders are searched according to specified prefixes.
    E.g. n/Hans will only find orders with names that match Hans.
  • If no prefixes are specified, orders matching at least one keyword will be returned.
    I.e. OR search.
    E.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang.
  • If multiple keywords are specified for a certain prefix, orders matching at least one keyword for the specified field will be returned.
    I.e. OR search.
    E.g. n/Hans Bo will return orders with names Hans Gruber, Bo Yang.
  • If multiple prefixes are specified, each keyword specified for each field must match orders with corresponding fields.
    I.e. AND search.
    E.g. n/Hans o/Cake will only match orders with names that match Hans and order descriptions that match Cake.
  • AND searches will take priority.


  • find n/John will return all orders with names john, John Doe or Johnathan.
  • find n/Alex Bob will return all orders with names Alex, alexander, Bob or bobby.

Using the sample data:

  • find n/Alex o/Chocolate will return all orders with name Alex and order description Chocolate.
    result for 'find n/Alex o/Chocolate'

  • find alex bernice will return all orders that matches alex or bernice.
    result for 'find alex bernice'

  • find n/Alex Charlotte o/Chocolate will return all orders that matches (Alex or Charlotte) and Chocolate.
    result for 'find n/Alex Charlotte o/Chocolate'
List all existing orders: list

Shows a list of all orders in CakeCollate.

Format: list

Display upcoming orders: remind

Displays a list of undelivered orders with an upcoming DELIVERY_DATE.

Format: remind DAYS

  • Displays a list of all undelivered orders with an upcoming DELIVERY_DATE within DAYS days from today.


  • remind 0 displays all undelivered orders that have a delivery date for today.
  • remind 365 displays all undelivered orders that have a delivery date within 365 days from today.
    result for 'remind 365'

4.2 Order Items

This section contains information about the commands that can modify the order items table located in the order items box.

Adding order items: addItem

Adds an order item to the order items table.



  • addItem Red Velvet Cake adds an order item with the specified description to the order items table.

Deleting order items: deleteItem

Deletes order items from the order items table based on the specified indexes.

Format: deleteItem ORDER_ITEM_INDEXES


  • deleteItem 2 deletes the order item with ORDER_ITEM_INDEX 2 from the order items table.
  • deleteItem 2 3 deletes the order items with ORDER_ITEM_INDEXES 2 and 3 from the order items table.

4.3 Others

This section contains information about other useful features and commands that you can use.

Viewing the help window: help

  • Gives instructions on how to enter orders into the CLI.
  • Displays a message with a list of all available commands and their format.
  • To return to the main order list click on the Return to the order list button.
  • Help can also be accessed by clicking the help button on the top left corner of the application or by clicking the F1 keyboard key.
:bulb: Tip: You can enter the command list to go back to the orders and order items table.

Format: help

Clearing all existing orders and order items: clear

Deletes all existing orders and order items in CakeCollate.

:exclamation: Caution: This action is irreversible! When you run this command, all existing orders and order items will be deleted from CakeCollate and you will not be able to retrieve them.

Format: clear

Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

Saving the data

CakeCollate data is saved in the hard disk automatically after you make any changes to the data. There is no need to save the data manually.

Editing the data file

Data related to orders is saved as a JSON file located at [JAR file location]/data/cakecollate.json.
Data related to order items is saved as a JSON file located at [JAR file location]/data/OrderItems.json.
Advanced users are welcome to update the data directly by editing the above-mentioned files.

:exclamation: Caution: If you make any changes to the data files directly which makes the format of the data invalid, CakeCollate will discard all existing data and start with an empty data file on the next run.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Press the Up arrow to traverse up the previously inputted commands if any.
  • Press the Down arrow in the keyboard to traverse down the previously inputted commands if any.
  • Press the Shift button followed by the Backspace button to delete all the text in the command box in one go.

5. Glossary

  • Command: Commands are user inputs that are recognised by CakeCollate to modify the data that is stored or displayed.
  • JSON: JSON stands for Javascript Object Notation. It is a format for saving data which provides user-friendliness as it is easy to read and write data in this format.
  • CLI: CLI is an abbreviation for Command Line Interface. A Command Line Interface enables the user to interact with the application via commands in text format.
  • GUI: GUI is an abbreviation for Graphical User Interface. A Graphical User Interface enables the user to interact with the application by clicking on visual components.
  • Home folder: The folder that you have installed CakeCollate in.

6. FAQ

Q: How do I install Java?
A: Click Here and download the appropriate Java version for your operating system.

Q: Where will my data be saved?
A: Your data will be saved in a folder called data which you can find inside your CakeCollate home folder.

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: 1. Install CakeCollate on the computer that you want to transfer your data to.
2. You should be able to see a folder named data inside the CakeCollate home folder.
3. Replace this folder with the data folder from your original CakeCollate home folder.

7. Command and prefix summary


Modifying the data

Action Format

Request request INDEX r/REQUEST
Delete delete INDEXES
Undelivered undelivered INDEXES
Delivered delivered INDEXES
Cancelled cancelled INDEXES

Modifying what is displayed

Action Format
List list
Remind remind DAYS

Order Items

Action Format
Add order item addItem ORDER_DESCRIPTION
Delete order item deleteItem ORDER_ITEM_INDEXES


Action Format
Help help
Clear clear
Exit exit


Prefix Description
n/ Name of the customer.
p/ Phone number of the customer.
e/ Email of the customer.
a/ Address of the customer.
d/ Delivery date of the order.
o/ Order placed by the customer.
oi/ Order index of the order placed by the customer, based on the order items table.
t/ Tags for the customer/order.
r/ Requests placed by the customer for an order.
s/ Status of the order (undelivered, delivered or cancelled).

8. Acknowledgements

This project is based on the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative.